About Us

About Us
On our travels together around Australia we started taking pictures of all the beautiful beaches we have encountered and sometimes just stumbled across from going on a long drive. We came home and reproduced our photos on the walls of our home in different forms sometimes canvas, sometimes as metallic prints and of course on social media to our close friends and family.
Australia’s Best Beaches was born from us wanting to share those pictures, small stories and information to those who are curious about Australia and perhaps have never been. For the overseas travellers who do not know exactly which beach to go to while they are backpacking or investigating this wonderful Australian landscape and seascapes. As well as Aussies sitting at home just surfing the web and not the actual beaches dreaming of an adventure or two. 🙂
To keep it fun we have also added ‘Alex the Seals’ favourite beaches in Australia and will include pictures of Alex investigating the beaches, waves and maybe even a video of Alex talking to visitors at these locations. We shall see!
We are still travelling and updating the website all the time. There are many hidden beaches in Australia that are pristine and less travelled that we want to include in the future. This website will be an organic journey that we share with you. We hope you have fun looking through our pages here and discover something new or helpful for your next adventure in Australia and find that best Australian beach for you and if you are an Aussie hopefully you are inspired to go on a road trip and see some of these best beaches for yourself.
Enjoy our pages, if you find anything interesting here please share with your friends. Let us know if there is additional information you would like us to add or investigate for you or if you just have some feedback we would love to hear from you. Should you have stories or pictures of your favourite beach in Australia and you would like us to share them on our website , you can email us here on our contact us page.
PS. If you haven’t already please like us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram and Thank you for visiting our page.
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